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CreArt is now FreeArts

CreArt, has recently undergone a significant transformation, rebranding itself as FreeArts. This change reflects the organization's commitment to clarity, inclusivity, and a more accurate representation of its mandate. The decision to move away from the name CreArt was driven by a desire to eliminate any potential confusion with the Cree indigenous language, aligning with the organization's dedication to respect and cultural sensitivity.

The shift to FreeArts not only addresses this potential confusion but also better encapsulates the organization's core values. The new name signifies a commitment to fostering artistic freedom without boundaries, providing a platform where creativity can flourish uninhibited. FreeArts emphasizes inclusivity and diversity in the arts, aiming to create a space where artists from all backgrounds can thrive.

This rebranding effort is not just a change in nomenclature but a strategic move towards a more accurate and resonant representation of the organization's mission. FreeArts looks forward to continuing its journey as a beacon of artistic expression, free from linguistic ambiguities and dedicated to the universal language of creativity.


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