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100 donated ukuleles, 100 new opportunities

It was a great surprise when Twisted Wood Guitars reached out to CreArt last fall to recognize its unique projects in Edmonton, share how much they aligned to its community-building philosophy, and offer a contribution. Thanks to Twisted Wood, we received a generous donation of 100 ukuleles in nearly perfect condition for students to start learning in workshops starting October 2022. We could not be more grateful for the support!

As soon as the donation was received, CreArt rushed to find recipients for all the ukuleles. They were all distributed successfully and, while workshops are paused for the summer, those who have a donated ukulele are keeping it to continue to use as much as they wish at home, as well as during the upcoming workshops that will start again in fall 2023. This isn’t the first time CreArt receives instrument donations — every instrument gives an opportunity for a member of the community to find a new way to express themselves and share that joy with others.

The journey of an instrument donated to CreArt

CreArt’s mission is to provide free spaces and programs for arts and community development. Donated instruments are very welcome because they ensure anyone can have access to music and learning, regardless of background or circumstances. However, being such a unique organization, CreArt doesn’t keep ownership of the instruments.

When a new donation comes in, the priority is to find it a new home. Once there’s a member interested in using the instrument that’s available, the agreement with CreArt is to make sure the instrument is always in use, and always given for free. Then the instrument is no longer CreArt’s property: The recipient of the instrument becomes the owner as long as they are utilizing the instrument. If eventually they decide the instrument is not for them or no longer interests them, the only request to them is that they follow the same philosophy by either giving it away to somebody else that does want to use it, or returning it to CreArt to find a new owner.

“Our intention and our philosophy is not to be the owners. We just facilitate these possibilities to students, regardless of who they are. We serve everyone.”

Sebastian Barrera

The instrument donation initiative hopes to have fewer abandoned instruments collecting dust or deteriorating while other people would be thrilled to make use of them. It’s a project of recycling and reutilizing, while supporting free art education and expression — and everyone is welcome.


Have instruments to donate? We will find them a home! Contact us and be part of CreArt’s mission. Your instrument will help make a difference and contribute to this project of social transformation.


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